Tag Archives: Star Wars

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a good holiday. I know I did. As I mentioned in my previous post–I had two weeks off at the end of the year, and I used it wisely by relaxing, writing, spending time with family, and just pretty much recharging the batteries. All in all, I had a great vacation, and although I’m not as well-rested as I’d hoped, I do feel like getting away from the day job for a little while was exactly what I needed.

First, the writing–I’m at fifty thousand words which puts me about halfway through book 2. I also have a working title, which I will share later when I’ve wrapped up the novel. Since I had some feedback that book 1 was a little slow in the the beginning–I’ve really focused on getting the plot going a lot earlier for book 2. I’ll obviously send the draft off to a few betas when I’m done to get feedback so by the time you readers get your hands on it, the story will be nice and polished.

Writing goals for the year–well, I hope to get book 2 done. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a bit of a slow writer and I’m so not a ten-thousand words a day person. I actually don’t count the words. I count pages. I’m actually happy if I can get a page a day during the week. With my work schedule and all the other things that come with life it can be tough, but I’ll try to get more time in to write during the weekend. At least an hour or two before bed. That’s actually the best time for me to write. I just zone out with the TV on and before I know it I’ve got ten pages.

What else did I do at the end of December–well, I saw Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker of course! Who hasn’t watched it yet? Well, you should. It was entertaining. And if you don’t think too much about how they completely did away with the “Is Rey going to be a Grey Jedi?” and just closed your eyes and imagine a white room with no windows and then watch it–then I think you’ll enjoy it too.

And don’t compare it to the original trilogy either, cause then you’ll be disappointed. And it’s way too early in the year for that.

A little update and some streaming TV…

Look how much time has gone by since I’ve posted! I do apologize for not posting regularly. But I do have some good news: I’ll be attending Nerdtacular 2019 on December 7-8. It’s a little mini comicon here in San Antonio. If you’re in town, come by and see me! I’ll be selling paperback copies of Dark Sun Rising and some t-shirts as well.

In other news, I’ve been slowly getting through book two–no major updates on that front. Still chipping away and trying to find time between the day job that’s been taking up so much of my mental energy. I was so hoping for the project work to cool off around this time, but nope! Looks like I’ll be working hard all the way to Christmas, but I am taking a few weeks off for the holidays, so I plan on doing quite a bit more writing then!

You know what’s also happening around Christmas? Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker! I’m kinda looking forward to it. And, I really, really hope the trilogy wraps up nicely and leaves us all satisfied.

And speaking of Star Wars–I’ve watched the first three episodes of The Mandalorean and I’ve got to say–it’s pretty good. And not just cause there’s a Baby Yoda that is the cutest thing on streaming TV–but I pretty much love anything that broadens the Star Wars universe–and focusing on a Mandalorian, and his clan and their cultural ways is a nice way of opening the Star Wars scope. Peeling another layer off the onion, so to speak. So, if you’re a fan of Star Wars, and you haven’t checked this show out yet, put it on your To-Do list.

Well, okay folks. That’s all I have for this week!