Tag Archives: UhtredofBebbanburg

A Wizard and a Saxon

My brother handed me book 1 of The Dresden Files this week, and now I’m hooked. I read the first two books of the series in two days, and I’m just itching to get started on the third. Hopefully my brother has already ordered it on Amazon, because otherwise I have to walk my little butt to Barnes and Noble, and who does that anymore?

So you might be wondering why I’m enjoying the series so much, and really–what is so great about the main character, Harry Dresden? Well, he’s a wizard, of course! And not like Harry Potter. Probably more like Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but not as polished (and not as cute or smart). He kinda bumbles along, and you know what? It’s great to follow a bumbling wizard. I can’t help but to cheer him on. He’s the underdog, through and through. And who doesn’t like an underdog?

Another interest at the moment is The Last Kingdom, which just had its third season released on Netflix. I’ve been bugging my brother to watch this show for awhile, but he’s a little punk and would rather watch Pokemon reruns. Anyway, I hope you do check it out. It’s like Vikings, but better. Better writing, better acting, just better.

And Uhtred, the main character, is just a cool dude. He was born a Saxon, but raised a Viking, and now stands between both worlds. Which will he choose? Will he stand with King Alfred, King of Wessex, who wishes to annihilate the Vikings? Or with his adopted brother Ragnar Ragnarson and his childhood friend Brida as they war against the Saxons?

It’s a mess of a situation, but it makes for entertaining TV.

Anyway, that’s all I have for this week. If you guys have any books or shows you’re into and would like to share, let me know in the comment section.